In Hebrews 13:2, the Bible speaks about showing kindness to strangers because you may be showing hospitality to angels without knowing it. So, in my nearly 28 years of teaching special education and having been involved with folks with disabilities in other extracurricular areas I have a theory. It’s not provable, like faith but it is something that comes to me from time-to-time and it comforts me.
What if, not-all-but, some folks with disabilities are really angels in human form? He’s not an angel but, Jesus came to us that way. Angels are mentioned nearly 93 times in the Bible and have intervened in humanity since the beginning of time, and will again, according to scripture. But, what if those who are nonverbal, with severe cerebral palsy, quadripeligic, tripeligic, missing limbs, or whatever; what if they’re angels from God, sent to show us something about ourselves, and not to focus our thoughts on their predicament? When asked about a man who was stricken from birth, even Jesus said that his circumstances were not because of sin, his or his parents but, so that the glory of God would be shown, through his malady. Who but an angel could handle that?
There was a book that came out about 13 years ago called, “Heaven is For Real,” by Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent, and it was published by Thomas Nelson Publishing. It tells the story of a little boy who through an unexpected illness spends time in heaven, where he sees his grandfather as a 30-something-ish year-old and also his still-born sister, who is there in eternity. If you’d like a glimpse of what heaven may be like, I suggest you read it. The movie is OK, as well but, you know the saying, “The book is better.” (It’s more detailed which is why I prefer it.) One of the “take-aways” for me is that babies that don’t make it through live-birth for whatever reason are in heaven! My aunt had five miscarriages. I asked her if she knew of this story and we discussed how she may be able to spend eternity with those kids. She smiled. It ministered to her and helped lift her spirits regarding these moments in her life. Though, like my theory stated above, it’s not provable. I must mention that of all the books and tales of kids spending time in heaven, if I’m not mistaken, this child from the book and his family have never recanted their story, unlike many others who wrote similar tomes.
In Hebrews 1:14 (NIV) it says, “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” I’m no angel, I'm nobody special but I'm saved by Jesus' sacrifice. I’ve got a graduate degree in special education, and have spent nearly half of my life working with, teaching, spending time with and befriending folks with special needs. In that time, I’ve learned more about myself (and my faith) than I have them. Importantly, unknowingly, I’ve been comforted and ministered to. So, why can’t we be surrounded by angels which we see and which we don’t? It doesn’t change theology or won’t keep you from heaven, only not believing in Jesus' sacrifice, repenting of your sins, and asking for God’s forgiveness will do that. But, it’s nice to think that angels are all around us, and it’s just a thought.